
Valheim Place
"Rime" helm is really, really, really close the the "Rime" or the "rim" of Valheim. Forget about "Edge" mere. That place is wack.

So .. awkwardly, it turns out that Edgemere was kind of far from the edge of Valheim. I remedied this by taking a boat out even further, and founding .. Rimehelm. This place is nice and remote. Unless there's some land right on the edge of the map, this has to be as far west as you can go.


It's very rustic. There wasn't a swamp nearby so it's all wood and bronze-tier stuff. I was surprised how high you can build with just core wood though. The inside came out pretty well.

When it's all said and done, have a nice long stare towards the west, where, a couple miles off, the world boundary ends and drops off into space. With the birds I'll share this lonely view.

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